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instagram: @fakedanceparty

swipe and scroll 


This QR code will lead you to an instagram page I created to post short videos on. They are not much longer than 15 seconds because the new generation is used to instant satisfaction and the youth has a very short attention span. The scroll and swipe motion is something we are so used to, so I definitely wanted to incorporate it into the videos. The touch, sound, gifs, navigation.... you name it, are all important to the project.


Fake News


When we look something up on google we get an infinite number of options and answers to our questions. But can we trust this? It soon happens that if we look up a symptom such as a headache, that according to google we may be very seriously ill. This happens with so much on the internet and so misunderstandings do arise from time to time. As you can see in the works below:

Let's Get


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